Thursday, August 23, 2007

Seige Mentality

I have got hold of some hair dye and am planning to get my mum to dye my roots on Monday.

This is one of the wierder of my current nesting activities, if you can call it that. It certainly never occurred to me as a priority last time with Sofia. But this time it gives me a certain peace of mind in the countdown to the birth. I am almost totally grey now if I don't dye my hair. And I know that after the birth the opportunity, the willpower, the energy, the sheer mental focus needed to even get hold of the dye, let alone get my hair dyed, will be absent for an indefinate length of time. So to get it done now means stockpiling, in a way, against total postnatal meltdown.

I may be a wreck after the birth. I will be sleep-deprived. I will probably look and feel like a bedraggled, ash-faced zombie. I may have no clothes to fit into and no energy to shop. And I probably won't have the energy to notice or care. But at least I will have a full head of golden beige blonde hair to keep up some semblence of decency.

1 comment:

nmj said...

Fabulous that you are getting your hair dyed before the birth. Go, girl!

I wish you all the luck in the world on the 7th.

will be thinking of you
