Friday, October 19, 2007

Turning the Six Week Corner

I don't really believe in the Six Week myth, after which post-natal fog is supposed to lift and life feel normal again. With Sofia I had a brutal relapse around 7-8 weeks where life was harder than ever.

But Rosa is six weeks old today and I feel like celebrating. I should be barely whispering this but my ME is better than it has been in years. Despite sleep deprivation, and despite being barely healed from the C-Section. We're only talking about the last couple of weeks, mind you. And the improvement in stamina is a matter of 5-10%. Still, having that bit more juice in the tank makes so much difference. I've been out nearly every day. I'm coping with the craziness of trying to juggle a baby and a toddler. I can't believe my luck that we have two lovely girls and we're surviving.

I know relapses and impossible struggles lie ahead but for now I'm on top of the world.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sofamum. I have just recently found your blog. Thank you, you are an inspiration for me. After 4 years of ME/CFS and FMS and my life grinding to a complete stop, my husband and I have started trying for a baby. We have decided to take back our lives and do what we really want to do. We have dilemmaed for years and wondered if we could cope and it is so helpful to read your experiences and see that it is hard but you don't regret it.

Congratulations on having both your girls and I'm really glad that you have been doing well for the last few weeks, I really hope that it continues for you.

Thank you so much for your blog.
All the best.

meg said...

Hi Sofamum: I'm so glad that things are going good for you and your crew. I hope that it continues for as long as possible. Enjoy!

nmj said...

This is great news, Sofamum, enjoy it, all of it! x

Catherine Hale said...

Thank you all.

Mil, thank you so much for letting me know this blog is helpful. I often feel that ME and motherhood is such a small niche that I'm just gazing at my own navel. It's very exciting that you've decided to try for a baby - Good luck. Do contact me directly (my email address is on my profile page I think) if you want to ask anything. I'm more than happy to share experiences and I'd love to know how you get on.


Susan said...

Lucky you, having a second child. I was brilliant during my pregnancy (now 17 yrs ago) being able to walk for the first time in years and having energy. However, he was hell as a baby and when he was 8 I finally got a diagnosis of an autistic disorder. All the doctors/health visitors/nurses just kept taking the attitude that he was completely normal it just seemed worse to me because of my problems! My GP at the time apparently put on my notes that I found motherhood overwhelming - well who wdn't with a child like this!!! Maybe if I'd had a girl....

Congrats. Hope your current good health continues.