Friday, September 14, 2007

Rosa Cecilia

Rosa Cecilia was born, as planned, on 7th September weighing 7lbs!

It sends shivers down my spine to type her name for the first time as I switch on the computer a week later.

The C-section was a breeze. A very nice birth experience with chatty anaesthetist, charming surgeon and Barry White playing on the radio. And me fully conscious and breathless with excitment.

So, right choice of delivery. But wrong choice of hospital. Rosa was born at a different hospital to Sofia and they managed to make the first 3 days quite hellish and then kicked me out before I was ready. More about that later though.

Now we're home and happy and I'm definately much further recovered than I was at this stage with Sofia.

I feel SO blessed to have the chance to do all of this again. The breastfeeding, the coping strategies, everything is so much easier now I know what I'm doing. In fact Sofia is still much harder work than our newborn. I'm in heaven and treasuring every minute of it.

Thanks for the good wishes.


Ciara said...


What a delight to hear this news.
How lovely. Many congratulations -well done x 1000. Great the Sofia has a sister.

-C x

meg said...

What a beautiful name! And very glad to hear that you are doing well.

Sylvia said...

Congratulations!!! Great to hear the C-section went smoothly and your are recovering well.

Hope the blessings continue for all your family!

greenwords said...

This is just so exciting I can hardly believe it! Welcome to the world, Rosa Cecilia! I'm so happy for you all.